Value in Data Meet-up
Bratislava 2024
AI vs. Actionability
Come to be inspired and discuss data challenges, AI and the future of analytics with experts and industry peers.
- Thursday 19th of June 2024
- 17:00 - 21:00
- Art & Event Černá labuť Na Poříčí 25, Prague 1 (8. floor)
- Czech
An informal gathering for all data leaders, architects, analysts, or enthusiasts.
We will present data and AI news from the Qlik Connect and Snowflake Summit conferences and discuss practical ways to get more value from data.
Attendance is FREE. You need to register so we can book you a chair and be able to accurately estimate beverage and catering volumes. After that, all you have to do is show up 🙂
Registration for the Value in Data Meetup 13.6.2023
Registration and participation are for free. You will receive an email confirmation shortly after submitting the registration form.
What to look forward to?
Practical and inspiring debates
Meeting with data experts
Knowledge and experience sharing
Data community
Something tasty to eat
Casual atmosphere
Whom will you meet?
Radovan Oreský
Chief Data Officer
Pavol Hajastek
Chief Technology Officer
Roman Hanzlík
Cloud Data Specialist
Peter Farkaš
Product DeveloperINPHINITY
17:00 – 17:50
Value in Data Greatest Hits: A selection of greatest hits from Qlik Connect and Snowflake Summit
The first week of June will bring two mammoth events – Qlik Connect in Orlando and Snowflake Summit in San Francisco and we won’t be missing there. Every year, both companies premiere the hottest new products that will shake up the data universe in the coming months. We’ll bring them to you just days after their world premiere. We’ll pick out the most interesting topics and add our expert perspective on practical business applications.
Chief Data Officer,
Chief Technology Officer,
Cloud Data Architect,
18:00 – 18:50
What will give more value from the data – AI/ML or Actionability?
Chief Data Officer,
EMARK Analytics
Product Developer,
19:00 - 21:00
Q&A + plenty of pizza and beer + networking
We'll start at 5pm, but we'll be on site from 4pm. Come earlier if it fits your schedule. We will be happy to see you and host you.
Inovativní témata
Real-time data streaming
Data streaming v reálném čase od zdroje až po dashboard
Active Intelligence jako aktivní platforma postavená na stále aktuálních datech, která se dostanou k manažerům a uživatelům ve formě, jakou potřebují
mobilní notifikace, pdf report, email alert, ...
Moderní cloud data platforma
Moderní pricing model (platíte jen za to, co používáte, na sekundu přesně)
Žádná obrovská úvodní investice v desítkách a stovkách tisíc eur do datového skladu
Bezpečnost dat nad veškerá očekávání
Kromě inspirativních příběhů, ukázek či přednášek jsme připravili i dva odpolední workshopy, kde se budete moci naučit pracovat s nástroji Snowflake a Qlik.
EMARK Analytics is a data analytics and digital transformation consulting and implementation company. We help people get the most value from their business data. Over our 24-year history, we have helped over 280 organizations worldwide to create, adopt or maintain their data solutions.
We focus on proven technologies – Qlik, Inphinity, Snowflake, Talend and more. Our commitment and passion for data has earned us Qlik Master Reseller and Snowflake Select Partner status. EMARK today consists of more than 50 experts capable of addressing any data challenge.
Data solutions for modern business
The recipe for success in today’s turbulent world is hidden in data. It’s growing at rocket speed – with every transaction, report, marketing campaign or other activity. Maximising financial management means using this data as thoroughly as possible. See how you can get super-fast insights from your data and steer your business into calm waters.