
Data Science and Advanced Analytics

How we transform data to high-value assets

Get the fast lane pass to the world of Advanced Analytics

Advanced Analytics offers you to significantly expand the potential of your data and enables you to get the results beyond the possibilities of conventional analytics. 

It supports a number of use cases such as sales forecastingfraud detectioninventory optimizationmarket basket analysispricing optimizationIoT and Industry 4.0 and many more.

Many organizations are nowadays making significant investments in data science and advanced analytics. However, a large percentage of these companies are not seeing the value of these investments realized widely across their organizations. And here we come, helping our customers to avoid data science silos and rather create meaningful user-centric applications that bring added value. Read more and find out how we work and what can we offer you.

Self-service Analytics

Guided Analytics

Ad-hoc Analytics

Advanced Calculations

Statistical / Algorithmic

Modelling / Predictive

Technologies we work with

  • Machine / Deep Learning
  • Ready-to-use Libraries
  • Tailor-made Data Science
  • Snowpark for Snowflake
  • SSE for Qlik
  • Advanced Visual Analytics
  • Application Automation
  • Notification and Alerting
  • Standard Reporting
  • Big Data Machine Learning
  • Cloud Data Warehouse
  • Insane Query Performance
  • Efficient Scalability
  • Secure Data Sharing
  • Workflows

  • Expert Estimates

  • Actionable Analytics

  • Enterprise Security and Governance

Our references

Automation of data collection, cleansing and using ARIMA for anomaly detection.
Regression model for residual value prediction based on web and portfolio data.
Monthly forecasting of multiple product categories, each with a different method, in multiple scenarios, for 100+ partners globally.

Local Retail Bank
Logistic regression model for loan application scoring.

Telco Company
Prototype for outlier identification and regression model for costs estimate on IoT sensor data.

100+ Qlik Customers
Data cleansing, native planning, categorization by business metrics, descriptive statistics… all-around data end-to-end processing & analysis.

Get inspired with Data Science use-cases (interactive mashup)

Explore use-cases from any angle – select you Industry or start from Data area. Associative model will show which options are selected (green), possible (white), or not associated (gray).

But sometimes the gray areas hide some key insights 😉

Our Delivery Approaches

Proof of Concept as a first step

Rapid prototyping. One of our core values. We want to show = prove that our solutions have great potential value and high ROI as soon as possible. After PoC, you decide how you would like to cooperate further. Options below are just the most common.

Project Leadership

Agile project management and consulting
Understanding processes, data sources and key indicators
  • processing scripts
  • data layers
Creating Advanced Analytics framework for designing and testing algorithms
  • Analytic connections (SSE)
  • Create or re-use R / Phyton scripts
Designing data model(s)
Training and enablement
  • App User
  • App Designer (incl. AA functions)
  • Data Developer (incl. SSE)


Understanding processes, data sources and key indicators
  • processing scripts
  • data layers
Training and enablement
  • App User
  • App Designer (incl. AA functions)
  • Data Developer (incl. SSE)


Training and enablement
  • App User
  • App Designer (incl. AA functions)
  • Data Developer (incl. SSE)

Let's talk...

Do you believe that data can help you to make better business decisions? Let us know.

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