
Qlik NPrinting: Easy reports delivered to the right people on time

Take advantage of fast and reliable reports without much effort. Information can find their addressees automatically without human intervention. Qlik NPrinting is a tool that develops reporting capabilities of the already installed version of Qlik.

Key features of Qlik Nprinting

Data on hand

Get ready for a meeting with a single click and share necessary documents in the favourite format automatically.

Automation of reports

The lengthy preparation of reports is a thing of the past. Qlik NPrinting will prepare them for you and send them where they need to be. You no longer have to search for information, information will find you.

Effective distribution

Share reports more efficiently the way you want it. What do you prefer? E-mail, corporate notification, or text message?

Large audience

Data from Qlik is accessible to virtually any number of users. All without additional Qlik licenses or special training for addressees.

Welcome to the future of reporting

Free your business from manual preparation and distribution of data. Mass sharing of information has never been easier.

Save time and finances. Qlik NPrinting allows you to create visually appealing reports in various formats (MS Office, PixelPerfect, PDF or HTML) using Qlik’s data and analyses. Its intuitive user interface allows you to create reports for an unlimited number of recipients without additional charge. Reports can be delivered to e-mail addresses, stored in folders, published on the web, or available on-demand. See how visual analyses and report-centric approach work together and get the best of both worlds.

Partners who use Qlik NPrinting


Reporting exactly according to your taste and needs

Qlik NPrinting helps with scalable reports based on Qlik data and transforms them into the most widely used formats using “drag & drop“. Intuitive user interface is user-friendly, the training takes just few hours. Complex business reports including their automatic distribution is now a matter of a few days.


Fast reports without much effort

Qlik NPrinting helps with scalable reports based on Qlik data and transforms them into the most widely used formats using “drag & drop“. Intuitive user interface is user-friendly, the training takes just few hours. Complex business reports including their automatic distribution is now a matter of a few days.


Correct information to right people

Users get information they need right to their e-mail or personal folders in the specified deadlines thanks to personalized filters. In addition to saving time, you will avoid the potential risks of compromising your sensitive data. Reports are encrypted – no question on that, safety first! On-demand reporting is also possible.


Take full advantage of your analyses

With Qlik NPrinting you can use any data and reports from Qlik to create outputs in PDF, PPT, DOC, XLS, HTML, or image formats and use valuable information more effectively. By regularly sending reports, you let users know about the current status of issues and ensure better use of Qlik in terms of additional analyses. Simply increase the number of recipients – let’s get the entire company involved!

Try Qlik NPrinting for FREE

Just fill your contact details and a short summary of your goals and we will set it up for you in no time.

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