Bratislava, March 22, 2021 – EMARK Analytics has become a new partner to the Micro Focus technology company in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The Enterprise Data Warehouse solutions of this vendor, known under the name Vertica, will help address the increasing number of client data while maintaining fast analyses. Thanks to certification and successful sales, EMARK has gained the status of a Vertica Gold Partner. This is the first representation in our countries.
The major world player in the field of executive big data analytic solutions is the first-ever MPP (Massive Parallel Processing) database whose technological principle is also used by Google BigQuery, Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, or Azure Synapse Analytics.
As Vertica offers enterprise Data Warehouse solutions and products, EMARK will diversify its portfolio of services to include a strong tool that is able to process enormous volumes of data (petabytes or even exabytes) for analytical purposes and machine learning. For example, it allows the training of machine learning models which is ideal to do on a larger volume of data. The solution can be implemented on-premise, in the cloud, or within a hybrid environment, thereby being able to meet even the most demanding criteria posed on the OLAP Enterprise Data Warehouse. The fact that up to 1 TB of data, Vertica is available free of charge, is a proof that already its starting position counts on a large volume of transaction data that are suitable mainly for the enterprise segment.
„In the context of the ‘all-around data’ strategy, Vertica is a logical step enabling a truly great performance of reading data even of large volumes (petabytes), let alone the extensive possibilities of machine learning over such a large volume. It is not optimal to address these use-cases by in-memory BI tools,” says Róbert Šrotýř, Chief Product Officer of the EMARK Analytics.
Find out more about Vertica solutions here:
— EMARK Analytics 2021