

Harness the Benefits of Snowflake for Your Data Architecture (not only in Qlik)

Discover how to enhance your BI capabilities and accelerate insights with Snowflake.

Are you looking to maximize the value of your BI investment? Join us to explore how integrating Snowflake can supercharge your data analytics and unlock new possibilities. Learn how to streamline data pipelines, improve performance, and gain deeper insights with this powerful combination.


This webinar is designed for data professionals, analysts, and business users who leverage Qlik and other BI tools and seek to enhance its capabilities through modern data platform technologies.

The webinar is available for FREE, you just need to register. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email and webinar link.

ON-DEMAND Webinar registration
Harness the Benefits of Snowflake

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how Snowflake can elevate your Qlik experience. Register now to secure your spot. The capacity is limited.


You will receive a webinar link via email shortly after submitting the form.

    Consent to the processing of personal data: I consent to the processing of my personal data for the purposes of marketing activities by EMARK Group. For more information, including a specification of the EMARK Group and the scope of the specific marketing activities for which you consent, please see the Personal Data Protection and Privacy  HERE.

    You will learn:


    30 minutes

    Key Snowflake Differenciators


    • Key benefits of using Snowflake as a data lakehouse
    • How Snowflake can optimize data ingestion and processing
    • Improving query performance with Snowflake’s features
    • Complementary strengths of Qlik and Snowflake
    • How to integrate Qlik with Snowflake for optimal results

    10 minutes

    Benefits of Snowflake-based Architecture vs. QVD-based Architecture


    • Enhancing data exploration and visualization
    • Improving data governance and security
    • Examples of successful Qlik and Snowflake implementations
    • Demonstrating tangible business outcomes

    5 minutes

    Pricing Model Considerations

    15 minutes

    Open Forum for Questions and Discussions

    Your Speaker

    As a Chief Product Officer in a data analytics company, I am constantly amazed by the innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are at my fingertips. Being at the forefront of the industry, I am able to stay in touch with the latest developments in data analytics, and bring new exciting solutions to our clients.


    Inovativní témata

    Real-time data streaming

    Data streaming v reálném čase od zdroje až po dashboard

    Active Intelligence jako aktivní platforma postavená na stále aktuálních datech, která se dostanou k manažerům a uživatelům ve formě, jakou potřebují

    mobilní notifikace, pdf report, email alert, ...

    Moderní cloud data platforma

    Moderní pricing model (platíte jen za to, co používáte, na sekundu přesně)
    Žádná obrovská úvodní investice v desítkách a stovkách tisíc eur do datového skladu
    Bezpečnost dat nad veškerá očekávání

    Kromě inspirativních příběhů, ukázek či přednášek jsme připravili i dva odpolední workshopy, kde se budete moci naučit pracovat s nástroji Snowflake a Qlik.

    Registrujte se nyní, kapacita je omezená

      [honeypot honeypot-996 timecheck_value:3 timecheck_enabled:true] Súhlas so spracovaním osobných údajov: Súhlasím so spracúvaním mojich údajov na účely marketingových aktivít zo strany EMARK Group. Bližšie informácie vrátane špecifikácie spoločností EMARK Group a rozsahu konkrétnych marketingových aktivít, pre ktoré udeľujete súhlas, nájdete v Podmienkach ochrany osobných údajov a súkromia  TU.


      About EMARK

      EMARK Analytics is a data analytics and digital transformation consulting and implementation company. We help people get the most value from their business data. Over our 24-year history, we have helped over 280 organizations worldwide to create, adopt or maintain their data solutions.


      We focus on proven technologies – Qlik, Inphinity, Snowflake, Talend and more. Our commitment and passion for data has earned us Qlik Master Reseller and Snowflake Select Partner status. EMARK today consists of more than 50 experts capable of addressing any data challenge.

      Data solutions for modern business

      The recipe for success in today’s turbulent world is hidden in data. It’s growing at rocket speed – with every transaction, report, marketing campaign or other activity. Maximising financial management means using this data as thoroughly as possible. See how you can get super-fast insights from your data and steer your business into calm waters.