
Qlik Cloud Analytics
The fastest way to next-generation analytics

Top analytics has never been more accessible, faster or more efficient. Achieve real results in just hours or days.

Do you have Qlik or are you considering it? We prepared a webinar that will show you how you can fundamentally improve your data handling in an extremely short time. Cloud analytics is the fastest way to unprecedented value from your data and therefore your business. It’s a small step with a major impact.


It’s not just about SaaS (Software as a Service) as an implementation model, it’s about the new possibilities that cloud-based Qlik brings. Especially in the areas of AI and Machine Learning. It allows you to act in-the-moment, in real-time and where you need to be.


This is not just about analysing historical data and understanding performance or making better decisions. It’s about both automating conversations with the solution and deepening insights into the data, as well as expanding how other users can access and work with the data.

ON-DEMAND webinar registration Qlik Sense Cloud

You will receive a webinar link via email shortly after submitting the form.

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    Consent to the processing of personal data:
    I consent to the processing of my personal data for the purposes of marketing activities by EMARK Group.
    For more information, including a specification of the EMARK Group and the scope of the specific marketing activities for which you consent, please see the Personal Data Protection and Privacy  HERE.

    How can you save money?

    • Deploy 99% faster than traditional, on-premise solutions
    • No need to tender hardware
    • Cutting-edge applications in hours or days
    • Super-fast time-to-value
    • Save tens of thousands of euros in infrastructure
    • No need to pay for hardware, servers or local installations
    • Financed from operating budgets, not capital costs

    Let’s stop theorising. You can see the practical benefits of SaaS with your own eyes on real, working applications built on Qlik and Inphinity technologies.

    What you get with Qlik Cloud Analytics 2024?

    • Superfast visualizations and dashboards
    • Innovative AI functionality
    • Intelligent decision making at any moment
    • Generative AI module built directly into the Qlik app
    • Predictive AI for everyone, not just Data Scientists
    • Data science models customised for business users to bring a new level of what-if analysis in real time
    • Each user can put them on to adjust to his or her needs
    • Right from the notification you can click through to the root of the problem
    • You always get the information you need with the necessary context
    • Notifications work both on mobile (iOS and Android), via email and directly in the app
    • Email delivery settings for charts or complete dashboards
    • Customize your own charts, individual worksheets or even the entire report according to your preferences and set up their delivery
    • Receive them by email in PDF format
    • Email includes an embedded snapshot of visualizations and links back to Qlik Sense
    • Manage accesses and subscriptions in the Hub
    • Communication with many external apps
    • Predefined automation templates
    • Notifications directly to Teams, Slack, file saving to DropBox, and many more
    • Superior security and governance standards for data, apps and users
    • Suitable for big players
    • Mobile, email or web delivery
    • Offline works too
    • Cross-device collaborative functionality


    2 minutes

    Opening Remarks

    Robert Šrotýř

    Chief Product Officer,

    10 minutes

    Qlik Sense Mobile app (iPhone, tablet) 

    Robert Šrotýř

    Chief Product Officer,

    15 minutes

    Alerting + Subscriptions + Reporting

    Viktor Hirschner

    Business & BI Consultant,

    10 minutes

    Insight Advisor

    Radovan Oreský

    Chief Data Officer,

    10 minutes

    Application Automation

    Radovan Oreský

    Chief Data Officer,

    15 minutes

    AI a Machine Learning funkcionalita v Qliku

    Radovan Oreský

    Chief Data Officer,

    10 minutes



    Inovativní témata

    Real-time data streaming

    Data streaming v reálném čase od zdroje až po dashboard

    Active Intelligence jako aktivní platforma postavená na stále aktuálních datech, která se dostanou k manažerům a uživatelům ve formě, jakou potřebují

    mobilní notifikace, pdf report, email alert, ...

    Moderní cloud data platforma

    Moderní pricing model (platíte jen za to, co používáte, na sekundu přesně)
    Žádná obrovská úvodní investice v desítkách a stovkách tisíc eur do datového skladu
    Bezpečnost dat nad veškerá očekávání

    Kromě inspirativních příběhů, ukázek či přednášek jsme připravili i dva odpolední workshopy, kde se budete moci naučit pracovat s nástroji Snowflake a Qlik.

    Registrujte se nyní, kapacita je omezená

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      Súhlas so spracovaním osobných údajov:
      Súhlasím so spracúvaním mojich údajov na účely marketingových aktivít zo strany EMARK Group.
      Bližšie informácie vrátane špecifikácie spoločností EMARK Group a rozsahu konkrétnych marketingových aktivít, pre ktoré udeľujete súhlas, nájdete v Podmienkach ochrany osobných údajov a súkromia  TU.