Get your sensitive data under control with Qlik & EMARK Mole.
Structured and unstructured.
ON-Demand webinar
(registration is free) - 35 min
Do you rule unstructured data or unstructured data rule you? We will introduce Mole which empowers Qlik users to take full control of unstructured data. What could you achieve if you were able to load text content from any files such as documents, pictures, emails, web pages, etc. into Qlik? There is a number of areas where unstructured data can make a difference, e.g. HR analytics, tech & manufacturing, lawyers, financial institutions, retail and distribution, healthcare, marketing, education, etc.
We will also present a Qlik app leveraging the power of unstructured and structured data to identify sensitive or personal data. We have used Mole Unstructured Data Connector to develop a ready-made solution for Qlik customers and partners to minimize business and financial risks related to data privacy issues and leakage of personally identifiable information (PII & GDPR). We will demonstrate this solution at the webinar, as well.
Register for the ON-DEMAND Webinar here.
Registration is FREE.
Find the answers to your questions
Unstructured data analysis
- How to leverage text content from documents, pictures, e-mails, webpages and other sources for your business?
- How to include logs and metadata into your analysis?
- What are typical use case of unstructured data analysis?
Sensitive data and personally identifiable information
- Can you identify every piece of sensitive data even in your unstructured data sources? Who has access to these sensitive data
- How can you identify content related to an entity (person, company, etc.) without having the exact definition of the association?
- What content should we erase if someone requests to „be forgotten“? Where should I start?
- Did someone send an e-mail with sensitive data? Who received it?
- How much space I can save deleting my old or duplicate files?
Inovativní témata
Real-time data streaming
Data streaming v reálném čase od zdroje až po dashboard
Active Intelligence jako aktivní platforma postavená na stále aktuálních datech, která se dostanou k manažerům a uživatelům ve formě, jakou potřebují
mobilní notifikace, pdf report, email alert, ...
Moderní cloud data platforma
Moderní pricing model (platíte jen za to, co používáte, na sekundu přesně)
Žádná obrovská úvodní investice v desítkách a stovkách tisíc eur do datového skladu
Bezpečnost dat nad veškerá očekávání
Kromě inspirativních příběhů, ukázek či přednášek jsme připravili i dva odpolední workshopy, kde se budete moci naučit pracovat s nástroji Snowflake a Qlik.
Who is this webinar addressed to?
All Audit and Operational Risk practitioners that use Qlik Sense
Data enthusiasts | pragmatically minded managers on the border between business and technology.
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About us
EMARK is a data analytics and digital transformation advisory company, helping people to get more value from their data. Over the past 21 years, we have guided more than 200 businesses and enterprises around the world in building, adopting, and maintaining their data solutions. We deeply focus on proven technologies – Qlik, Snowflake, Inphinity, and others. Our drive and passion for data-driven solutions resulted in being officially named a Qlik Master Reseller in Slovakia, Czechia, and Hungary, and a Qlik Solutions Provider in Australia. Our team of more than 50 specialists loves to address every data challenge because we believe in data helping to drive better decisions.
Our data solutions for modern business
The recipe for success in today’s turbulent world is hidden in data. It’s coming in at a rocket speed – with every transaction, report, marketing campaign, or other activity. Maximizing financial management means using this data as thoroughly as possible. See how you can extract super-fast insights from your data and steer your business into calm waters.