ON-DEMAND - Better BI or how you can get maximum out of your data | Bratislava 2022
- On - demand (register and get a free recording of the conference)
- 3h 37min
This is a first stop on the way to Better BI. We will showcase latest cloud data trends. Event will also share inspirational customer stories.
Join us for the Better BI | Bratislava 2022 conference. The event will bring the latest innovations and news from cloud data technologies Qlik, Snowflake and Inphinity. If you realize the value hidden in the data and you are aware about vast potential cloud technologies can bring to your business, this event will be your cup of tea.
Join our community of managers, analysts and visioners, who are watching closely the latest data trends. The conference will be held in Slovak and Czech language, unless the agenda states otherwise. Registration is FREE.
What will you learn?
- Where is BI going and what are the options businesses now have to get more value from their data. Introduction to Better BI by Qlik.
- Latest Qlik innovations, what are the practical benefits and how it can help your business. How you can make your Qlik better with Inphinity.
- What is the data strategy Model Group (a Swiss manufacturing giant, operating also in SK and CZ) has decided for and how was this strategy launched and is being fulfiled
- How Orange Business Services Slovakia boosted its Business Intelligence thanks to combination of Qlik Sense and Inphinity
- How you can improve BI platform adoption; move decision making into the app; eliminate process risks; significantly streamline planning and save on business apps
- COVID-free bonus: Personal meeting with all the participants, guests, networking, discussions, sharing – plus beautiful view on Danube river, Caste and Old Town
8.30 – 9.00
Registration & Networking
9.00 – 9.15
Opening remarks
Why it is necessary to improve BI and what are 3 main innovation directions

Chief Data Officer, EMARK Analytics
9.15 – 9.40
What do we mean by Better BI?
Modern BI is not just a pretty dashboard. It is lively, active system, that is supporting management of the company, calls for action in the case of edge values and integrates with established systems. In this section, we willtalk more not only about modern trends and comprehensive approach to data, but also about it’s practical use.

Chief Product Officer, EMARK Analytics

Chief Advisory Officer, Partner, EMARK Analytics
9.40 – 10.00
Model Group: Qlik Cloud also in an enterprise environment and without compromises (story)
Swiss manufacturing giant Model Group will come to talk about why they have chose cloud Qlik Sense Enterprise SaaS over competing solutions and how it translates to their overall strategy and data architecture.
Our client will share its experience with technology combo Qlik – Inphinity – Snowflake.

Chief Product Officer, EMARK Analytics

Head of Data Management & Analytics, Model Group
10.00 – 11.20
Innovations that make Qlik better
- application design with assistance of AI
- queries push-down to Snowflake,
- API platformy for data processes automation
- assisted creation of prediction models (Auto ML)
a more...

Chief Data Officer, EMARK Analytics

Pre-Sales, EMARK Analytics

Chief Technology Officer, EMARK Analytics
11.20 – 12.00
How to make Qlik “inphinitely” better
- increase adoption of data analytics
- bring the business context
- eliminate process risks
save on any applications

COO, EMARK Analytics/Inphinity

CEO, EMARK Analytics & Inphinity

12.00 – 12.20
Qlik + Inphinity in action in Orange Business Services (story)
Thanks to Qlik Sense, Orange Business Services has all the data in one place. Thanks to Inphinity Forms is able to centrally add and edit also new data. This tandem also reduces the need to send Excel files via emails and thus speeds up the exchange of information.
See and hear OBS’s first-hand experience. Demonstrations of real apps will be part of the presentation.

Head of Performance & Business Intelligence, Orange Business Services
12.20 – 12.25
Closing remarks

CEO, EMARK Analytics & Inphinity
12.25 – ??
Lunch & networking with open end
Inovativní témata
Real-time data streaming
Data streaming v reálném čase od zdroje až po dashboard
Active Intelligence jako aktivní platforma postavená na stále aktuálních datech, která se dostanou k manažerům a uživatelům ve formě, jakou potřebují
mobilní notifikace, pdf report, email alert, ...
Moderní cloud data platforma
Moderní pricing model (platíte jen za to, co používáte, na sekundu přesně)
Žádná obrovská úvodní investice v desítkách a stovkách tisíc eur do datového skladu
Bezpečnost dat nad veškerá očekávání
Kromě inspirativních příběhů, ukázek či přednášek jsme připravili i dva odpolední workshopy, kde se budete moci naučit pracovat s nástroji Snowflake a Qlik.
For whom is the conference intended?

Data enthusiasts and pragmatically minded managers at the crossroads of the business and technology world

For all those who are tired of online events and would like to talk over a good coffee with beautiful views on Bratislava and Danube
Registrujte se nyní, kapacita je omezená
Better BI conference organisers
EMARK Analytics
EMARK Analytics is a data analytics and digital transformation advisory company, helping people to get more value from their data. Over the past 21 years, we have guided more than 200 businesses and enterprises around the world in building, adopting, and maintaining their data solutions. We deeply focus on proven technologies – Qlik, Snowflake, Inphinity, and others. Our drive and passion for data-driven solutions resulted in being officially named a Qlik Master Reseller in Slovakia, Czechia, and Hungary, and a Qlik Solutions Provider in Australia. Our team of more than 50 specialists loves to address every data challenge because we believe in data helping to drive better decisions.
EMARK data solutions for modern business
The recipe for success in today’s turbulent world is hidden in data. It’s coming in at a rocket speed – with every transaction, report, marketing campaign, or other activity. Maximizing financial management means using this data as thoroughly as possible. See how you can extract super-fast insights from your data and steer your business into calm waters.