
Smart Workforce Management

Improve productivity of your teams – online, onsite or remote.

Actionable HR and Project Analytics

Utilize your teams and employees strategically to drive profitability and long-term relationships. Analyze your FTEs, work structure, overtimes, benefits, projects, recruitment or fluctuation across your organization.

Optimize employee management and succession planning. Analyze staffing resources and onboarding. Assess training and education offerings. Monitor productivity trends and improve workplace relations. Run projects with the perfect view on all the details at all times to avoid budget overdrafts or project overdues or other project or team issues.

Our solutions and apps are based on proven, first-class data analytics technologies, such as Qlik Sense and Inphinity Forms.



  • Connect data from all source systems
  • Create associative data model
  • Do any ad-hoc self-service analysis in Qlik


  • Ready-made apps & custom dashboards
  • Model, plan, set targets & alerts
  • Drill-down across all business areas


  • Consult with certified financial expert
  • Understand what your data tells you
  • Set the right strategy & actions
  • Monitor key KPIs

What will you get?

Areas, topics and benefits you can address in HR

Areas, topics and benefits you can address in Project Management

Typical Use Cases

Here you can find a few instances of use cases this solution can cover. Needless to say, there is a whole universe of different use cases that can be addressed with it, even really specific ones.

Our references

Join us for the webinar from EMARK DataTalks

Smart Workforce Management. Increase the productivity of your teams. Online, onsite, or remotely.

Not sure if this solution will work with your data?

We have built data flows from tens of ERPs such as Navision, SAP, NetSuite, Vema, Human, JIRA, Asana as well as many other tools or technologies. Whatever data sources you have we can handle them… Or will be happy for you to prove us wrong 😉

Book a discovery call. We are eager to help.

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