Advisory & Implementácia
Increase profitability by making your sales, finance, SCM, operations, HR, IT or other processes run smoother, faster, lighter and more reliable.
One of the most important financial houses in Slovakia and Czechia deployed a loan approval data flow that shortened response time from days to 5 minutes by connecting 3 different systems.
Decrease cost and invest time to DT initiatives that bring value. Only with data it’s possible to measure results and validate if goals were achieved.
Technology giant with HQ in Slovakia monitors usage and feed-back on global Business Planning solution to evaluate ROI and advance a tool that helped them to get to 500M revenue.
Increase speed & scope of analytics because data has value only if it’s used to improve decisions & drive actions. Answer the next question in seconds.
Manufacturing company in Czechia deployed focused data analyses for hundreds of users that are refreshed in minutes to save 100k/year on maintenance & keep production run seamlessly.
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