
Marketing Analytics: Typical Use Cases

Here you can find a few instances of use cases we can cover with our Marketing Analytics. Needless to say, there is a whole universe of different use cases that can be addressed with it, even really specific ones.

Put all your analytics into one place

How many marketing tools do you need to succeed? Analytics, GoogleAds, Google Tag Manager, Yandex, and many others have only one purpose – collect and store data about your websites.

But how to compare rather disparate data from multiple apps? And how does the overview look like?

The most sessions on our websites were since 1.1.2020. With a closer look, we see two top-performing websites with the highest number of events. How did they perform in Europe? Which days they had the highest number of PageViews with the longest average Session Duration?

Find which campaigns (don´t) work

For the majority of SMB businesses, GoogleAds campaigns are a crucial part of their marketing strategy. Well, if you run or manage more of them, keeping up to speed is not an easy task, is it?

To see all the important figures and facts from various campaigns under one roof and in context is priceless. With our Marketing Analytics, you can actually have all the necessary KPIs within a few clicks. Which campaigns are effective from CPR or CPC perspective, which of them has too high bounce rate…and what does it mean with regards to goals of the campaign?

In the app’s associative model, you can see important insights beyond simple matrix which helps to find what performs good and what is not.

Analyzing sessions peaks since 1.1.2020 we found out that there were few campaigns performing at that particular time. Which of them had effective values of CPC and CTR? And which of them were more expensive than we expected? The answer is just a few clicks away.

Put your targets into actions and drive for success

Setting targets is a crucial part of Campaign management. Whatever is your call to action – download, registration, or anything else – evaluation shows you when you have performed well and when you have underperformed.

As the video depicts, we haven´t performed well since 1.4.2019, and the trend also doesn´t look well. Something is not right, now let’s take a closer look into it.

We can see a detailed timeline of Goal Conversion Rate with all daily ups and downs. What´s going on and why? Was the goal set incorrectly or we are not performing for real? Who is a responsible person? While we investigate, we can for example set a new target to fix the status quo – with Inphinity Forms.

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    [honeypot honeypot-996 timecheck_value:3 timecheck_enabled:true] Súhlas so spracovaním osobných údajov: Súhlasím so spracúvaním mojich údajov na účely marketingových aktivít zo strany EMARK Group. Bližšie informácie vrátane špecifikácie spoločností EMARK Group a rozsahu konkrétnych marketingových aktivít, pre ktoré udeľujete súhlas, nájdete v Podmienkach ochrany osobných údajov a súkromia  TU.