
Disrupt your Profit & Loss Analytics
Get unprecedented insights

From high-level figures to individual details in just a few clicks

Profit & Loss Analytics App gives you all information you need for the daily management and review of transactions. It provides the analytical overview from the high-level KPIs to the specific revenues, costs, and expenses incurred during a specified time period to the very detail of individual transactions booked to your accounts. It enables you to view your cost centers or business units in deep detail, and their impact on the overall picture at the same time. And that all is available just within a few clicks.

You can easily identify your current revenue or cost structure and confront it directly with history and forecasts. Did you plan well, or do you have to get better at budget creating?

Being able to review all your General Ledger data quickly and get the context to the daily picture of financial statements enables you to spend more time making the right decisions and generating valuable insights.



key KPIs (such as Revenues, Costs, EBITDA) with budget, history and forecasting

PnL Plan

deep drill-down into Profit and Loss Acounts using period and planned values

General Ledger Items

drill-down into GL Items detail such as Factory, Document ID and Description, related Account


selection from multiple KPIs and evalutation of history, actual status and forecast

Trends and Revenue structure

analysis of the core Revenue streams and their share in total Revenues

PLUS create your own sheets and objects for sharing with your team

Measures, Dimensions and KPIs

Basic measures

General Ledger Items Count, Items Amount Sum…


Factories,Centres, Business Units, Main/Sub Accounts, year, month…

General Ledger Items Dimensions

Accounts, Account Number, Description, Partner ID, Amount…

Typical Profit & Loss Use Cases

KPIs reporting with Factory/Business Unit in detail

Find actual Revenue, Costs and EBITDA values in the context of history and planned budget. How do we stand as a holding company and as a particular business units or divisions of the Group?

“Well, I can see that Division-2 did not hit budgeted revenues for a longer time! Also, Centre-3 didn´t hit last year’s performance. We need to make measures before it turns to a bigger problem.”

Performance management is now a crucial component of business. Check out the video to see how our P&L App tackle this within seconds.

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Monthly reconciliation

Deep drill-down into monthly detail of PnL accounts. How does the company Net Sales look like? And what is the plan?

Preparation for internal or board meetings has never been easier – select Q1 or a specific month. Click. How much did we pay for Technical Services? Click. Which accounts have been affected and how much? Click. “We see our spending is related only to Q1 month. Was this in a plan?”

Cost structure with GL Items detail

Do you prefer a high-level overview or deep insights? As a CFO you need both! Analyze General Ledger Items directly.

“Centre-58 related to Factory-6 had the highest spending in January. In Qlik we can easily sort items’ list and filter it for certain Cost Center/Business Unit. Moreover, using Document-ID we can immediately find which users processed this transaction and read their basic description.”

You will reach all information you need within few clicks.

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Forecasting and its quality

EBITDA is an important indicator of the health of your business. Imagine, you are a manufacturing company and put in context for certain Factory and Centre for Month-by-Month analysis.

“Factory-4 didn’t go well last June, but related Centre-4 had a successful year. What about this year’s budget? July and August seem to be really challenging! But what does the forecast say? Even budget looks challenging, we´re on a fast track to hit even higher numbers.

By one click it is easy to analyze another KPI –  so what about Production Revenues and Operating Costs? Let’s have a look.

Revenues Trends and structure

Let’s imagine company has two main Revenue streams – Production Revenues and Sale of Merchandise. In addition, there are also Operational and Financial Revenues.

How do this revenue streams look like for particular divisions?

Which division is dominant and why?

Find out more in Profit & Loss App …

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Fast budgeting using Last Year Adjustments

How much time does it take prepare next year budget? Weeks? Maybe months? And how many iterations have to be realized?

Select easily your revenues/expenses category and make a fast decision about how the future of your company will look like.

Decide for every account separately, or make a global decision.

Find out underperforming Cost Centers

Which of your Cost Centers are not performing well? And is it a problem? Find out in your Profit & Loss App

Checking the comparison between Forecast and Budget settled for the actual year we found out Centre-18 shows more than 600% decrease according to budget. The main cause appears to be almost a 75 % decline in Production Revenues according to last year. There is something to be wrong.

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Find out Factory anomalies

Every company takes care of its own KPIs. Our business consists of many entities where each has its own story behind.

Check key indicators and find out, which Factories are performing well and which need your attention.  How does it look like about Net Income, EBITDA, Revenues, Cost? Why some of the Factories are over budget and some seem to be in trouble? Is this about concrete Centres or are we dealing with a global problem?


Want to know more?

    [honeypot honeypot-996 timecheck_value:3 timecheck_enabled:true] Súhlas so spracovaním osobných údajov: Súhlasím so spracúvaním mojich údajov na účely marketingových aktivít zo strany EMARK Group. Bližšie informácie vrátane špecifikácie spoločností EMARK Group a rozsahu konkrétnych marketingových aktivít, pre ktoré udeľujete súhlas, nájdete v Podmienkach ochrany osobných údajov a súkromia  TU.